
Whale Watch

Dusty & Becca Whale Watching... the tiny splash behind us is from a whale

Magen's work took their employees on a whale watch and there were some extra seats so we got to go! Very cool!

We were onboard a 50+ ft. sail boat, complete with drinks and snacks. It was awesome. Since Maui is known as one of the world’s great whale watch locations, famous for humpback whales that migrate here for the winter and spring calving season... we were in for quite an adventure. Infact, the little splash behind us in the photo above is actually a Humpback Whale... how about that! We saw lots of whales and their babies, a few whale tails wave to us, and not to mention some sea turtles swam right up next to the boat.

Thanks for inviting us, Magen!!! We had a great time.

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