
The East & South Coast of Kauai Adventure

Dusty & Becca in Hanalei, Kauai

Day 3 in Kauai: Decided that we should check out more of the island... which lead us on an adventure along the East and South coast. Saw great views of waterfalls, caught some surf at Gillin's Beach, enjoyed lunch in paradise, saw the Spouting Horn that gets its name because it actually makes a horn-like sound, played on a rope swing, and even caught some more surf on the East coast before calling it a day!! Whew... wears me out just thinking about it.

You got to check out the photos and see Marisa in action at the rope swing!! Very cool!

South & East Kauai photos


At 11:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Becca you look awesome! But I didn't see Dusty in the picture.

At 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, now that I've looked at it again all I see is Jorts.


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