
West Maui Road Trip

Becca & Angel drove around the entire West part of Maui today! Lots of fun. We checked out Dragon's Teeth... which was Becca's first time, too! Dragon's teeth was created from one of the last lava flows on Maui. However, the lava here is a little different from the rest of the lava on Maui - it is much lighter, denser, and fine-grained. The wind sweeping over the point caused the lava to harden in an upward fashion. The jagged points of this formation look like dragon's teeth, thus the name. Angel is pictured above at dragon's teeth.

After checking out Dragon's Teeth, we went onward to Nakahale Blowhole. Angel was able to capture a pretty good video from our visit, you are welcomed to check it out (may take a while to download):

Nakahele Blowhole Video Clip

From the blowhole, we just kept driving and ended up at Iao Valley. Enjoy our pics from the trip below:

West Maui Road Trip Photo Album


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