
Olowalu Petroglyphs Hike

Our friend Frank joined us today to check out the petroglyphs in Olowalu. The soft lava found at this site made an excellent tablet for recording thoughts in ancient times. Some petroglyphs show several figures grouped together and are thought to depict families. The human figures with large bodies are probably the Ali'i (royalty) and the stick figures may be the commoners. Many different animals, canoes and tools are also depicted.

After checking out the petroglyphs, we hiked onward toward the valley between the West Maui Mountains. An adventurous afternoon all in all.

Pictured above are some of the petroglyphs thought to be Ali'i. And to the right are Dusty, Frank & Sato taking a little breather in the stream we came across. For more pics of the hike, click below.

Olowalu Petroglyphs Hike Photo Album


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