Waianapanapa State Park in Hana, Maui
Becca had the day off work and decided to venture over to the other side of Maui... Hana. Talk about a dramatic coastline, Hana is beautiful! On the ride down, we saw tunnels of rain forest and waterfalls, all along the side of the road.
We decided to spend the day at the Waianapanapa (pronounced, why-ah-nah-pah-nah-pah) State Park. The scenery was amazing. I couldn't stop taking pictures, as you will see if you check out the photo album. We saw everything from black-sand beaches to a black-cobble cove, and we even saw some impressive views of Haleakala (the dorment volcano on Maui). But I think it was the coastline I loved the best! The hike took us through a forest of Hala trees and an open wilderness of aa (pronounced, ah-ah) lava. The contrast between the bright green trees, turquoise water, and black aa lava was unbelievable.
Needless to say it was an awesome day! Check out the photo album if you get a chance:
Waianapanapa Photo Album